National School Lunch Program


The National School Lunch Program provides nutritious lunches and the opportunity to practice skills learned in classroom nutrition education. Meal cost is established by household income information provided to the school district by each student participating in the program. This program also offers after school snacks in sites that meet eligibility requirements.
School Breakfast Program provides nutritious breakfasts to promote learning readiness and healthy eating behaviors.

Click here to access the USDA NSLP family friendly application templates  


USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer - for additional information click here to view the Nondiscrimination Statement.

Contact Us

Sparks: 775-353-3758
FAX: 775-353-3749
Las Vegas: 702-668-4585
FAX: 775-668-4580


Free & Reduced Lunch Rpts
School Milk Program 
CEP - Annual Notification of Local Education Agencies
CEP - Annual Notification of Schools